Mikawayaki Konro is a type of Shichirin in Aichi prefecture. Shichirin and Konro have the same purpose and shape, only the name is different. Unlike Kiridashi Shichirin, Mikawayaki Konro uses diatomaceous earth that has been kneaded.
Brand: Komon
Craftsman: Kameshima Seitojo 亀島製陶所
Made In: Japan
Materials: Diatomaceous Earth, Steel
Total Diameter: 220mm
Total Height: 160mm
Internal Diameter: 170mm
Internal Height: 130mm
Grate Diameter: 245mm
Weight : 2.525g
Comes with a Stand, Ceramic Grate and Net Stopper
Please Note: These pictures and measurements are examples. Individual products may differ slightly in appearance and measurements.