Brand: Tanaka Toishi 田中砥石工業所.
Producing Area: Kyoto/ Japan
Mine: Kouzaki
Appearance: Certainly a base of blue, hence the name "Ao"-to, "blue" stone. These softer versions tend to have a tint of red/brown to them, a decent indication of their softness level.
Size: 175mm x 52mm 54mm
Weight: 1031g
Grit Range: ~2000
1-5 Scale: 1 = Less, 5 = More
Hardness Level: 2
Scratch Depth: 4
Speed: 4
Wear Rate: 3.5
Self Slurry: 4.5
Thirst: 3
Consistency: 5
Feedback: 4
Ease of Use: 4
Recommended Usage: Early/mid polishing sequence, hazy Kasumi, textured edges with solid bite.
Notes: This is slightly coarser and softer vs. its finer and harder Aoto sibling. These softer versions will be faster cutting, create more slurry, have deeper scratches, create darker/hazier Kasumi, and would be used earlier in a polishing progression. Softer stones tend to be easier to use as they are more "forgiving" than harder stones, thus easier to learn on. These are "true" Aoto of quality, consistency, and provenance. Given their price they are an awesome way to get involved with natural stones.
Disclaimer: Given the natural aspect of these stones, all subjective qualities are our estimates and may vary slightly from your exact expectations and assessment. The images shown and characteristics described may be from a previous example. If purchased, yours may differ slightly in appearance, weights and measures, and qualities. Stamps may be different or not present, especially if it has been tested.