We love natural stones—so much so that our name, Strata, was inspired by how a Japanese natural stone (tennen toishi) develops its physical and aesthetic characteristics based on the stratum from which it is quarried (along with other factors like specific mines, geographic origin, etc.). The variety of natural stones in Japan, let alone the world, is vast. Each stone has its own unique “character,” interacting differently with various steels, construction types, and tasks—whether for polishing, sharpening, repairing, or beyond. Natural stones offer results that even today’s synthetic stones cannot fully replicate, making them highly valued in the polishing and sharpening world.
Because we are so passionate about natural stones, we take them very seriously. We source only from trusted connections who provide consistently high-quality stones. We do our best to test each stone stone using a simple evaluation scale, along with a brief summary of its characteristics and ideal use cases. However, these assessments are subjective and may differ from your own experience—just as each stone’s appearance will vary. Our reviews are meant to provide a general sense of a stone, not an exact prediction of how it will perform for you.
Natural Stones vs. Synthetic Stones
Natural stones tend to be more “abstract” compared to synthetic stones, which are highly consistent, designed for speed and efficiency, widely available, and often more affordable. We strongly recommend starting your sharpening journey with synthetic stones before transitioning to natural ones. Synthetic stones provide a much more stable reference point for understanding sharpening fundamentals, making it easier to compare and navigate the more varied and “organic” nature of natural stones. With practice and study, however, you can develop a strong understanding of how a natural stone will likely perform and behave.
By “abstract,” we mean that natural stones, unlike the vast majority of synthetic stones, do not have a set, uniform grit—they are formed by nature, not manufactured. Additionally, in most Japanese natural stones, the abrasive particles are friable, meaning they break down into finer and finer bits as you work. This not only makes their initial grit range difficult to compare to a synthetic stone but also means that the effective grit and rate of work evolve during use. Having a solid grasp of synthetic grit ratings (e.g., 1000, 3000, etc.) can help guide you toward understanding the general grit range of a natural stone. Even this foundational knowledge, however, only scratches the surface of what makes natural stones so fascinating—it is an endlessly engaging and rewarding subject.
Because natural stones require physically demanding and often dangerous labor to extract, they are inherently more expensive. Almost all mines in Japan are either permanently closed or operate on a very limited basis, extracting small amounts of material at a time. This results in low supply and high global demand. Natural stones are not only essential for traditional Japanese crafts such as sword polishing and woodworking but are also irreplaceable for certain applications where no synthetic alternative can achieve the same results. This makes some stones extremely sought after—and extremely expensive. That said, some stones are more abundant, easier to mine, have lesser demand, or are suited for more limited use cases, all of which contribute to a lower price point. While high-end stones can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars, there are also more affordable options if you’re just starting your journey into the world of natural stones.
If you have questions about our stones—or natural stones in general—please don’t hesitate to reach out. Have fun!
Komon - Natural Stone - Premium Pick - Hideriyama
Komon Stone 004
One of our most trusted sources handpicks these stones from the famed Imanishi in Kyoto for us, spending hours testing dozens and dozens and selecting only the best of the best at a variety of price points. These tennen toishi represent some of the best value you will find on the market for natural stones.
These stones are so impressive that they often make you feel like you are "cheating", so to speak - they provide outstanding results at a speed seemingly found only in stones that cost many times more, all while being fun and easy to use - they make it seem as if you have learned years of polishing in a matter of minutes. Combining these gems with the correct steel, you will come to understand the beautiful harmony skilled polishers sometimes have difficulty describing - working on natural stones with well-made knives truly ties the whole subject together.
We are proud to provide such wonderful pieces to you!
Brand: Komon-picked Imanishi
Producing Area: Kyoto - Japan
Mine: Hideriyama
Appearance: Classic Hideriyama Asagi with faint Kan and red hues visible when wet
Size: 194mm x 69mm x 29mm
Weight: 911g
~Grit Range: 2500-4000
1-5 Scale: 1 = Less, 5 = More
Hardness Level: 2.5
Scratch Depth: 1.5
Speed: 3.5
Wear Rate: 2
Self Slurry: 4
Thirst: 3
Consistency: 4
Feedback: 2
Ease of Use: 4
Notes: A classic representation of quality Hideriyama - mid-grit that you can work the slurry easily into lower high-grits; smooth, very consistent almost silky feedback; fast with dark slurry showing immediately; firm but on the softer side; and easy to use. A very high quality specimen for the cost and an ideal option for those getting into natural stones given its ease of use - just avoid gouging the surface. The lines cannot be felt and are not toxic.
Recommended Usage: Frosty Kasumi; mid+ step in polishing sequence; general wide bevel work, just firm enough for push cut tools; refined edges with the slightest bit of bite.
Disclaimer: Given the natural aspect of these stones, all graded characteristics are our own subjective thoughts which may vary from your expectations and assessment. The images shown and characteristics described may be from a previous, random example, or when first measured before being tested numerous times. If purchased, yours may differ slightly in appearance and qualities. All stone sales are final.